Purposeful Parenting in the 21st Century: An Afrikan Centered Perspective

Purposeful Parenting is a conscious and attentive strategy to nurturing children. It centers on establishing distinct objectives, values, and intentions for family, with a strong emphasis on the holistic well-being and growth of your child. A parenting strategy should not be confused with style.Strategy is used to achieve specific results or to address challenges and opportunities in an effective manner (the “what”), while style is how you go about doing it (the “how”). Here are some typical goals linked to purposeful parenting:

1. Nurturing Positive Character: Fostering virtues in your child that are associated with your traditional heritage family and/or family culture.

2. Promoting Social Emotional Well-being: Cultivating your child's emotional intelligence, through philosophical teachings of your ancestors, and aiding them in comprehending and managing their internal and external dealings .

3. Enhancing Communication Skills: Imparting effective communication abilities for different situations, encompassing attentive listening and assertiveness.

4. Cultivating Intellectual and Spiritual Development: Encouraging a love for learning, critical thinking, meditation, and self-reflection.

5. Ensuring Physical Health: Maintaining your child's physical well-being through balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and sufficient sleep.

6. Developing Social Competence: Fostering positive social interaction, cooperation, and the ability to resolve problem solve.

7. Transmitting Cultural and Moral Values: Conveying essential wisdom, core principles, ethical standards, and enduring traditions for future generations to embrace and uphold.

8. Instilling Independence and Responsibility: Equipping your child with self-sufficiency and accountability for their actions; fostering a sense of self-discipline.

9. Preparing for Adulthood: Endowing your child with essential life skills, encompassing financial literacy, effective time management, and prudent decision-making; Encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and economic independence as ways for their children to thrive in adulthood.

10. Cultivating Love and Connection: Fostering a profound emotional bond between you and your child.

Purposeful Parenting entails a continual process of introspection, intent, and an active commitment to your child's journey. It highlights the importance of clearly defining specific goals and values to illuminate your parenting choices and behaviors, all with the ultimate aim of guiding your child to unlock their full potential and thrive. Purposeful Parenting is crucial in the 21st century because it aligns with and reinforces Afrikan traditional values, individual and collective responsibility, and the restoration of moral principles that our ancestors believed were essential for prosperity and harmony.

Ìyá J'Nefer Obidahunsi