
ReGeneration180 was born from the womb of passion and concern for African descendants worldwide.  Since our conception in 2011, we have made it our business to help resolve matters that affect our children. 

Our organization's goals are to:

  • enhance the educational and psychological well being of Melanated youth in America;

  • provide a constructive understanding of Black people through positive approaches to research;

  • conduct and advance current research in Afrikan-Centered/Black Psychology;

  • further develop the psychological approaches that are consistent with the experiences of Black people;

  • develop family and community programs for the psychological, educational, cultural and economic advancement of Black people; and,

  • nurture the creators and transformers of the future.

Our children are being 'schooled' during one of the most important learning edges of our time. The very existence of African people, worldwide, depends upon our immediate attention to this matter!

“They” can't, won't, nor should they save our children. But we will— by working together to change our social, economic and psychological outcomes! ​

Let our actions shout louder than “black lives matter.” Our foundation is built, so come G.R.O.W. with us! Contact us to get involved!

Iya J. Celesta Higgins
Executive Director, ReGeneration180